International trains from Amsterdam to Paris, Brussels, Berlin

Planning to continue your trip around Europe from Amsterdam? Take a train and continue your journey to Belguim, Germany, France or other European destination. Most international trains in the Netherlands depart from the Amsterdam Centraal Station.

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International trains from Amsterdam to Paris, Brussels and Antwerp

Please note: Thalys trains to Antwerp, Brussels and Paris are now called Eurostar.

Thalys train from Amsterdam Centraal to Disneyland Paris

From Amsterdam to Germany
Eurostar trains from Amsterdam to London

The Eurostar high-speed train from Amsterdam to London:

  • 4 times a day to London
  • From € 100 return with Eurostar to London
  • Reserved seat.

Please note: from 15 June 2024 till early 2025 there will be no direct trains from Amsterdam to London due to major track works at Amsterdam Centraal station. You can still travel from Netherlands to London by Eurostar train to Brussels-Midi/Zuid​, where you’ll pass border control and then take the train to London. You will need a valid passport to travel to the United Kingdom.

Night trains from Amsterdam
  • City Night Line/ EuroNight trains run overnight from Amsterdam Centraal Station directly to Munich, Basel, Zurich, Copenhagen, Prague, Warsaw.
  • EuropeanSleeper is another type of night trains from Amsterdam to Brussels, Antwerp, Berlin, Dresden and Prague. You can travel in 3 or 6-persons sleeping compartments.

If you plan to take a train from Amsterdam, check the schedules in the international train planner. You can book tickets directly at the official NS International website. It is cheaper to book your train tickets in advance. As a rule, the e-tickets should be printed of saved in the app, but we advise you to read your carrier’s rules carefully.

What is the best time to buy international train tickets from Amsterdam?

The general rule is: the earlier you book, the cheaper are the tickets. Different rail companies start tickets sale in different times:

  • Eurostar: 3 months before the trip
  • Intercity Brussel: 3 months before the trip
  • tickets to destinations in Germany: 92 days before the trip
  • night trains to Germany and further: 180 days before the trip
  • Eurostar to London: 180 days before the trip

Amsterdam Centraal train station

Train tickets are also sold at the international ticket offices called Ticket & Service at Amsterdam Centraal Station, at Schiphol Airport and other large train stations in the Netherlands.

If you buy international train tickets at the office, there is a booking fee (€ 7.50 per person, up to a maximum of € 22.50 per booking) that will be added to the ticket price. To avoid these extra costs you can book your train tickets online at the NS International official website.

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