Tulip fields in the Netherlands in 2025

What is the best time and place to visit the tulip fields in the Netherlands in 2025? Are there tulip fields near Amsterdam? The best place not far from Amsterdam is the Bollenstreek area (the Flower Bulb Region), which includes beautiful places like Lisse, Noordwijkerhout, Noordwijk, Hillegom.

It’s also the area where the Keukenhof gardens are located. So it’s good to combine your trip to the Dutch tulip fields with a visit to Keukenhof (in 2025 open from March 20 till May 11).

  • Looking forward to see the tulips? Book a hotel for your spring getaway.

Dutch tulip fields Amsterdam, Holland, the Neherlands

When is it the best time to visit the tulips fields in 2025?

The flowering period of the fields depends on the weather. In 2024 the spring is early – actually the month of February 2024 was the warmest in the whole history of measurements.

Update, 14 April 2024:many flower fields are already being cut. The farmers are growing tulips not for the flowers but for the bulbs. That’s why the flowers are being cut while they are blooming. The good news is – you can still see the tulips at the special farms like The Tulip Barn (at 130 3e Loosterweg, 2182 CX, Hillegom) or Tulip Experience Amsterdam (at Delfweg 37, 2211VK, Noordwijkerhout).

Update, 7 April 2024: tulip fields are in full bloom!

Tulip fields near AmsterdamPhoto: tulip fields near Vogelenzang, 7 April 2024

Tulip fields the NetherlandsPhoto: tulip fields near Vogelenzang, 7 april 2024

Tulip fields HollandPhoto: tulip fields near Vogelenzang, 7 April 2024

Update, 15 March 2024: hyacinth, daffodil and at some spots even tulip fields are already in bloom! I’ve made the photos below today. The daffodil fields are in Hillegom, and beatiful red tulips are next to Keukenhof, across the road from the former Lowietje hotel, and next to the Duin en Meer bus stop.

Tulip fields Keukenhof, Holland, the Netherlands 2024

Photo: tulip fields, taken on 15 March 2024 near Keukenhof, in Lisse

Flower fields Holland

Photo: daffodil fields, taken on 15 March 2024 near Hillegom

In spring in the Netherlands you can see not only tulips, but also hyachinths and daffodil fields. The blooming season starts with the daffodils, followed by the hyacinths and then the tulips.

Usual times for the flower fields blooming in the Netherlands are:

  • daffodil fields – from mid-March till mid-April
  • hyacinth fields – from the beginning of April till end of April
  • tulip fields – from mid-April till early May

Tulip fields near Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Photo: hyacinths fields, taken on 26 March 2022 near Hillegom

Dutch Flower fields where in the Netherlands

Photo: hyacinths fields, taken on 26 March 2022 near Hillegom

Hyacinths flower fields, Hillegom

Photo: hyacinths fields, taken on 21 March 2020 near Hillegom

flower fields, tulip fields amsterdam, the Netherlands

Photo: daffodils fields, taken on 21 March 2020 near Hillegom

Where to see the tulips near Amsterdam, in the Netherlands?

One of the best ways to explore the flower flowers is by bike. You can rent a bike on the Keukenhof parking and take one of the cycling routes through the flower fields, or book a guided bike tour (from €45).

You can also join one of the tulip field tours from Keukenhof, including a minivan tour in small groups (up to 8 people) departing from the Keukenhof entrance.

Cycling routes

You can find great cyciling routes on the website of Rent-a-bike van Dam rental company:

For longer routes – from 15 to 25 km – please check here.

Dutch flower fields, tulip fields, cycling routes tulips Holland

Is it allowed to take photos in tulip fields?

It’s not allowed to enter the flower fields. But can make beautiful photos from outside, or visit special farms, like The Tulip Barn (address: 130 3e Loosterweg, 2182 CX, Hillegom) which have photo zones for great Instagram photos.

Tulip fields, tulip farm Amsterdam

Why is it not allowed to enter tulip fields?

The flower fields in Bollensteek are owned by flower bulb growers. And the bulbs need to be healthy and undamaged. Walking through the fields may harm the flowers, spread plant diseases and lead to a financial damage for the growers. So please be respectful!

Tulip fields in the Netherlands 2024

It’s also not allowed to pick flowers in the fields. But you can buy them at a very reasonable price in small tents along the road. You can also visit special tulip-picking farms (pluktuinen) in the area like The Tulip Barn, De Tulperij, or Pluktuin Noordwijkerhout.

Dutch tulips, best time to see tulips in the Netherlands in 2024

Enjoy your visit to the tulip fields and the Keukenhof gardens in the Netherlands!

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Last updated: 20 September 2024

About the author:

Holland Explorer travel guide, Amsterdam & Tulips, about me

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